Pure Hearts Healing Light Center

Assisting in developing a more connected and energized Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit through the various modalities and information handed down. My lineage is true ancient knowledge and unbroken. Be awaken to your true Light.

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Pure Hearts Healing Light Center Welcomes You!



(Note: descriptions, package specials, upcoming dates listed below)

Pure Hearts Healing Light Center is for you! A link from one heart to another in order to connect and develop into a higher level being. Raise your Spiritual connection! Bring in more joy and happiness within this lifetime.
My training, handing down of knowledge and teachings date back thousands of years through the lineage of King Solomon within the Modern Mystery School-see www.mmscanadianhq.com. There are seven Mystery Schools in the world which holds this true information for anyone who desires to move further on the path of enlightenment. (This is not new age.) Through the various workshops and techniques offered, one becomes more aware of their own empowerment - who they are, what they are, where they come from, where are they going and what is their purpose.
You see, we are not just physical beings. We are connected with our Spirit-self, our true self, the one who cares most and who guides us the most. This is the greatest area of connection in bringing in that joy, happiness and manifestation. If someone burns their finger tips, do they still have the sensory to feel what they are touching in order to identify that item? Well, Spirit is like that - we can not truly have a good sense of what is the greater part of us if we can not truly be touched by and identify with that connection!

I, am not here to dispute, change or judge one's religious affiliation,
I work with the Spiritual aspect and growth, we all walk different paths.
Yet, we truly are ALL connected - Spiritually!

My information offered is as a Reminder - to what we all know within - yet needs Reminding!

My purpose in fulfilling my contract as a Guide, is to bring joy, happiness and knowledge to all who seek further self-empowerment - not control!

As Founder of Pure Hearts Healing Light Center,
my qualifications include:
Initiated Adept,  Reiki Master, Intuitive/Aura Reader,
Reiki,  Crystal Healing, Meditation,

Chakra Balancing, Guide, Kabbalist,
Board Certified "Holistic Alternative" Psychology Practitioner, PhD.

Affiliations are with the CT Holistic Healing Association; International Reiki Association; The Modern Mystery School; The American Institute of Holistic Health & Wellness -in association with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners; National Association of Professional Women; and Ministry w/The Universal Life Church.

is to
"Bring Heaven on Earth".
It's motto - "Know Thy Self". No More Secrets!

On a personal note: The knowledge, initiations, and training experienced and learned though the Modern Mystery School, has not only personally enhanced my life but brought me to greater service for my fellow humans, this planet and God. I hope you, also, will step forward and experience all that is and can be.
Thank you. Love, Light, Awareness and Acceptance.
As a Board Certified "Holistic Alternative" Psychology Practitioner, Ph.D., I am available to assist in eliminating the negative challenges within ones life without the need of medications or constant digging into the past.  These methods and tools, which have been proven and successful for over 35 years, are offered in bringing about the quickest and most efficient self-healing, growth and empowerment.
RitaMarie Bryant
(a/k/a - Rita Bryant)
also - www:mmscanadianhq.com.

available for any occasion!



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