Pure Hearts Healing Light Center

Assisting in developing a more connected and energized Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit through the various modalities and information handed down. My lineage is true ancient knowledge and unbroken. Be awaken to your true Light.

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Pure Hearts Healing Light Center Welcomes You!



(Note: descriptions, package specials, upcoming dates listed below)

Pure Hearts Healing Light Center is for you! A link from one heart to another in order to connect and develop into a higher level being. Raise your Spiritual connection! Bring in more joy and happiness within this lifetime.
My training, handing down of knowledge and teachings date back thousands of years through the lineage of King Solomon within the Modern Mystery School-see www.mmscanadianhq.com. There are seven Mystery Schools in the world which holds this true information for anyone who desires to move further on the path of enlightenment. (This is not new age.) Through the various workshops and techniques offered, one becomes more aware of their own empowerment - who they are, what they are, where they come from, where are they going and what is their purpose.
You see, we are not just physical beings. We are connected with our Spirit-self, our true self, the one who cares most and who guides us the most. This is the greatest area of connection in bringing in that joy, happiness and manifestation. If someone burns their finger tips, do they still have the sensory to feel what they are touching in order to identify that item? Well, Spirit is like that - we can not truly have a good sense of what is the greater part of us if we can not truly be touched by and identify with that connection!

I, am not here to dispute, change or judge one's religious affiliation,
I work with the Spiritual aspect and growth, we all walk different paths.
Yet, we truly are ALL connected - Spiritually!

My information offered is as a Reminder - to what we all know within - yet needs Reminding!

My purpose in fulfilling my contract as a Guide, is to bring joy, happiness and knowledge to all who seek further self-empowerment - not control!

As Founder of Pure Hearts Healing Light Center,
my qualifications include:
Initiated Adept,  Reiki Master, Intuitive/Aura Reader,
Reiki,  Crystal Healing, Meditation,

Chakra Balancing, Guide, Kabbalist,
Board Certified "Holistic Alternative" Psychology Practitioner, PhD.

Affiliations are with the CT Holistic Healing Association; International Reiki Association; The Modern Mystery School; The American Institute of Holistic Health & Wellness -in association with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners; National Association of Professional Women; and Ministry w/The Universal Life Church.

is to
"Bring Heaven on Earth".
It's motto - "Know Thy Self". No More Secrets!

On a personal note: The knowledge, initiations, and training experienced and learned though the Modern Mystery School, has not only personally enhanced my life but brought me to greater service for my fellow humans, this planet and God. I hope you, also, will step forward and experience all that is and can be.
Thank you. Love, Light, Awareness and Acceptance.
As a Board Certified "Holistic Alternative" Psychology Practitioner, Ph.D., I am available to assist in eliminating the negative challenges within ones life without the need of medications or constant digging into the past.  These methods and tools, which have been proven and successful for over 35 years, are offered in bringing about the quickest and most efficient self-healing, growth and empowerment.
RitaMarie Bryant
(a/k/a - Rita Bryant)
also - www:mmscanadianhq.com.

available for any occasion!



Minimum Donations are noted after each description.
In addition to the below descriptions, also available are: Therapeutic Touch; Crystal healing(s); Full body relaxation energy technique;   Available - private or group sessions in your home.
Call - 860-354-6457

Soul Retrieval - experiencing physical, emotional, mental and spiritual traumas pieces of our soul get lost on a sub-conscious level. The purpose of our soul is to act as the bridge between the physical body and the spiritual body. Do you sometimes feel a sense of being lost or just not connected? Get back what is rightfully yours! $257.00

Life Activation - what a great service to do for yourself, family and this planet! This modality brings in more light and self-healing by awakening the connection between the dormant memory of the spiritual self and your physical self. Benefiting such areas: mind thought, brain, will, respiratory, circulatory, muscular/skeletal, skin, working aura, soul aura, intuition and more.   You will also receive a reading.  
By the way, when you receive this wonderful activation, NOT only are you doing a great service to yourself BUT for those in your lineage of 3-5 generations before and after. (This affects your Lineage directly!) So a little gets past on to them as well. Therefore, you are assisting in bringing in more light to others and to humanity to counteract evil - where there is Light - Darkness can not enter! You hold the key. THIS IS A GREAT, VALUABLE AND POWERFUL ACTIVATION TO HELP SHIFT INTO THIS NEW ENERGY - in addition to assisting you, it also works on your family - as noted above. $180.00  - see this site as noted

Unified Chakra Awakening - a method which enables you to allow energy to flow more freely and become more centered, balance and focused within you.  It is a physical empowerment for the entire body, which opens and activates the 2,418 chakra points.   $150.00

AURA READINGS - the emotions that are experienced on a daily basis reside within
the aura.  Within the many layers of the aura and what it holds can affect our physical health as well as our Spirit and Soul.  Reading the aura can assist one in finding the areas that need to be cleansed as needed and released.   $97.00

Isis Healing - this process brings for the replacement of the Emotional Body at its fullest capacity to hold Light and Energy. $157.00

Karmic Matrix Clearing - the memories that we experience in this life time, which came from our Spiritual emanations, plays a vital part in our life. These memories are past and conflict with our day to day decisions and experiences. By eliminating the Spiritual past life memories, we can now live in this life time as we should - as OUR SELF - without influences from the past lives that our Spirit encountered and brought into our physical life. Be free to live your life as you should! $85.00

King Solomon Series - this is a service that has 11 different sessions. Each series holds a particular energy to enhance and eliminate certain aspects of our human development. The sessions vary in time and must be done consecutively in order to obtain the highest effects.
$150.00 per session

Crystal Healing - crystals are amazing energies with many properties. They are not just rocks! They are protectors, healers, magical, used for dreaming, recorders, and yes - a friend!
Crystals are living energies!
a) This procedure can be used for specific applications/healing - emotional; mind; physical body; internal problems; space reversal (loose a lot of stuff, trouble determining which is your right or left hand, self-personality issues); time enhancement; pure mind (need to quiet the mind or get rid of clutter); libido; and empowerment. Select from 1 to up to 6 of the 9 applications/healing as noted during one session. investment $169 (allow 1-3 hours)

b) This particular healing is appropriate for mental, emotional or spiritual - NOT PHYSICAL. Choose one or all within one session: healing old wounds, healing new wounds, or for a good future - investment $179

REIKI - experienced and handed down by Dr. Usui this method of energy continues its progression from Practitioner to Student. This energy which comes directly from the higher realms promotes stress reduction and relaxation to assist in various healing. This system being high energy assists with various illnesses and diseases. Because we are all connected to energy, Reiki has been know to work on animals and plants as well. Energy is Energy!
There are two degrees to Reiki - the first is the understanding of Reiki, how to use this energy and an attunement of handing down this energy to the Student. manual for reference is provided.
In the second degree, a higher energy is infused with the knowledge and use of the sacred symbols along with their meaning and applications.
Once these two trainings are incorporated, the Student may continue to the Advanced Reiki Attunement - which goes further and deeper.
Upon completion of these three trainings, understanding, testing and attunements, becoming a Reiki Master Practitioner is the next step of progression.
$257.00 - 1 attunement -
$277.00 - 2nd attunement w/further information and higher energy using the sacred symbols
$357.00 - Advanced Training
$557.00 - Master Teacher
(specials announced on e-mails sent)

(Jikiden) - REIKI - energy relaxation sessions are available.  Experience this wonderful energy to relax and feel better.   Plant, animal, human  - " Energy is energy" -  it works on all. 

Intuitive / Aura Readings available

REIKI Certifications and Advanced Reiki - full days of information handed down as described above.

Meditation - we meet, enjoy each others company and experience the different styles and understanding of meditation. This in itself offers much healing, satisfaction and relaxation. If time permits or one is in need an exchange of healing energy is done. - $15.00/2 hours,
private -$35.00

Astral Travel - have you ever wondered about leaving your body? Do you know that you naturally do it every night in your sleep time? In this workshop you will learn and experience hands on how to Astral Travel within your sacred space. Know the rules of: why, what, where and how. It's fun and very interesting. $85.00

Connecting with Your Spiritual Guides -(G.O.S.
) - basic and advanced
Experience, focus on opening, developing and perfecting your connection. Regardless of your level of experience, whether you are a seeker in Spiritual connections or Esoteric Professional - Channel er, Card Reader, Psychic, Healer this will serve you and assist in developing your skills for true connections in obtaining the right information for your daily questions.
Through Guided experience with each journey and dimensional levels, you will meet your Higher Self, Elemental & Divas, The Elements, your Inner Child, your male/female counterparts, who your Archangel and more!
Clairvoyance, Clair audience and Clair sentience are the manifestation of the spiritual senses. You will EXPERIENCE how to access and develop these skills. Connect safely to Spirits of the Light who will assist you in areas of guidance, teaching, healing or anything that furthers your Spiritual development. These Spirits are from your spiritual lineage and more. They are your Spiritual Family and are here to help you! Here you will learn how to correctly connect to them and know exactly who they are.
Romantic Rejuvenation
Couples or singles engage in this mystery!
Explore Eroticism as an art vs. Sex.

Joy/Fun/Respect/Understanding is gained. Reconnect and ignite that sensual part within your life and your mates. OR just reconnect to your own inner self. In this special day of reconnecting through guided information and hands on activity between couples or just the self the final result is greater understanding and immediate growth. Those that have dared to take this course are still together. It's up to you!
- This is well worth the investment of saving, enhancing or reconnecting within your relationships of self and/or others.
"YOU WILL NEED TO BRING A FEW PERSONAL ITEMS". (don't tell the other person what they are!) full day $110 per person

Sacred Divine Geometry - There have been 3 geometric symbols that were specifically used to create this world and for manifestation. These are, of course, sacred and found every where. The secret is now available for you know them for yourself and how to apply them in your life. What benefits can they bring and what empowerment can they accomplish? To be used in your meditations and healing areas. $85.00

Opening Your Inner Psychic Abilities - a great way to start to activate your abilities through your senses. Everyone has these abilities – it's just a matter of learning how to develop them properly. $57
